I ran across this in my Facebook feed the other day and had to share:
My car's engine never smelled so good!
I remember my first pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks. I'm going to venture to state that was the drink that started it all. And because it is a seasonal treat, only available in the fall, I used to feel compelled to drink as many as I could before they were gone and some winter wonderland coffee drink took its place. Now the older, wiser me knows that was a big mistake, as it was most likely the cause of my fluffy physique. Click here for the full nutritional breakdown, including the 300+ calories and 50 grams of sugar.That's FIFTY grams of sugar...the equivolent of 10 teaspoons!
But still, I was hooked. I would buy anything flavored with pumpkin spice, and even bought Pumpkin Spice Coffee-Mate creamer for my morning brew at home.
Along the way, I began working towards a healthier me, and I backed away from all the pumpkin spice madness, for the most part. But who can't order just ONE of those delicious treats from Starbucks at least once during the fall season? Well, after reading this article by the Food Babe (my new online healthy eating guru..., that would be me. I vow to go without, and you may too, after reading the article. (Warning! You won't be happy. There. I told you.. And if you click on the link, she'll give you the same warning.)
So what does that leave a pumpkin spice loving gal like me to do?
Well, just in time came an assignment from Magnolia Magazine to write a story about beer...but not just any beer. I wrote about Southern Tier Brewery's new Pumpking Beer...just in time for Halloween! But the fun's not over once the masks are removed. This beer pairs well with a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, as well as with pumpkin pie and other desserts.

Here's wishing you a Happy Fall, Y'all...with plenty of pumkin spice goodness to last you all season. I'll leave you with a couple of images...just because...