Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I'm hungry.

I'm on a stinkin' diet and all I can think about is food. Over the past year, I've added food writing to my repertoire. I write food columns for eatjxn.com, and a swanky magazine called eat.drink.MISSISSIPPI,

Here are a few of the columns I've written in eatjxn.com:

This one is about Two Sister's Restaurant in Jackson.

Here's one about Crechale's moving to Flowood. (Side note: I went to high school with Bob Crechale. We were biology lab partners and disected a frog together.)

Oh, and here's one that really made my mouth water. It's about the five best seafood dishes in town.

I've done a couple more stories for eatjxn.com...you can find them all here.

The new Jan/Feb (or is it Feb/Mar?) issue of eat.drink.MISSISSIPPI was in my mailbox today. In it, I have a story on Rainbow Whole Foods. Right now, even the nuts and bark are making me hungry.

It is difficult to be a food writer when you're on a diet. But I'll make the sacrifice, for my reading public!

Write on!
