Thursday, July 1, 2010

Firecrackers and Art Colonies

Whooooo-weeee! I've been giving some words a workout in the ol' word blender! Mixing 'em up and pouring them out on the page to create several articles to fill everyone's heads with knowledge and enlightenment.

You're welcome.

I spent an inordinate amount of time yesterday writing about fireworks displays around town for The Clarion-Ledger. I actually found out about some pretty cool happenings planned for the weekend. One that I've never been to, although I think I should have (since I'm a member of the church) is the St. Richard's Catholic Church fireworks event. It will take place this Sunday immediately following 5:30pm mass. Awesome musician Patrick Harkins is putting together a group of equally awesome musicians to entertain folks. There will be activities for the kids, and plenty of hot dogs, hamburgers, roasted corn, and other typical 4th of July fare. From what I hear, folks set up tents, tables, lawn chairs, blankets and have a grand ol' time. The fireworks will start at dark, of course. This event is open to all--a gift of the church to the community. I know where I'll be this 4th of July!!

Of course, we celebrate Independence Day because it's when the U.S. first declared independence from British rule. The 13 original colonies were the foundation of our country as we now know it. I've been doing some research on a different kind of colony recently.

One of the articles I'm working on is about the Tougaloo Art Colony. It's been going on for 14 years at historic Tougaloo College in Jackson and gets bigger and better each year. The colony will be held July 11-16 this year with incredible guest artists. The cool part is that each day from 1-2:30pm, there will be a brown bag lunch lecture from each of the guest artists, and the public is welcome to attend. On Thursday night, a "hot art showcase" will exhibit work by the guest artists and the participants. Dr. Gerald Walker, part of a musical collaborative called "Waive" will perform, and on Friday, July 15 from 10am to 1pm, the studios will be open for the public to tour and watch the students finish up their pieces. If you are an art lover, you need to make this a must-see event!

Again, you're welcome.

The fun thing about writing local articles is that you find out so much more about what's really going on around you. I am constantly amazed at the fun things that folks are doing right here in my own back yard. Poo on anyone who says there's nothing to do here!

Blessings to all who read this!